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Dr Andrew Huberman on the benefits of Cold Water Therapy

Andrew Huberman, a renowned neuroscientist and podcast host, has extensively discussed the benefits of cold water therapy, also known as cold exposure[1].

Ice Bath Benefits
Dr. Andrew Huberman

Andrew Huberman, a renowned neuroscientist and podcast host, has extensively discussed the benefits of cold water therapy, also known as cold exposure[1]. According to Huberman, deliberate cold exposure can have positive impacts on both mental and physical health[1][5]. Cold water therapy is believed to have benefits such as boosting mood, increasing focus and attention, improving sleep quality, and even potentially enhancing fat loss and muscle recovery[1][4]. Huberman highlights the importance of incorporating movement and proper protocols during cold exposure to optimize its effectiveness[2][5]. It's worth noting that cold water therapy should be approached with caution, as there may be considerations such as individual tolerance and potential limitations on gains in strength or endurance if done immediately after training[1].

If you're interested in diving deeper into the topic, you can explore Huberman's own publications and podcasts where he shares his knowledge and insights on cold water therapy[1][2]. Additionally, there are other resources available that provide guidelines and protocols for cold exposure, such as the Huberman Lab Podcast and[4][5].

Please note that it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new therapies or practices into your routine.


  1. The Science & Use of Cold Exposure for Health & Performance

  2. Cold Plunge Protocols

  3. Andrew Huberman's Three Recommended Cold Water Immersion Therapy Protocols Explained

  4. Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance

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